敬告台灣臉書管理者,人民有言論自由權,資訊自決權,請尊重民主自由,如果我的發言權,不合臉書管理者,我就去美國 CNN投訴台灣臉書管理者,獨裁,順我者昌,逆我者亡,封鎖我的發言權,商業犯罪行為,投訴CNN,讓台灣網路警察全球出名,黑暗管理者應當受到公審.
Facebook in Taiwan, judge every thing, not fair,To my Disust!So bad enterprise,The boss know nothing what is truth and law,Will the court acqit the joe cub of his commcial crime,The employees in Taiwan handle everything unfair.The net police judge every thing like Mafia.
The merchant should keep distance from any http://politicians.Do not interfere in politics.